## Computer Science - [[computer science]] - [[data structures and algorithms]] - [[software engineer]] - [[software engineering]] ### Web Development - Start here: - [[HTML]] - [[CSS]] - [[color theory in design]] - [[JavaScript]] - Then front-end framework: - [[React.js]] - [[Angular.js]] - [[Vue.js]] - Back-end development: - [[Node.js]] - [[Express.js]] - [[PostgreSQL]] - [[web design]] - [[full-stack development]] - [[full-stack web development]] - [[front-end development]] - [[front-end web development]] - [[back-end development]] - [[back-end web development]] ### Great Resources - [[MDN]] - [Mozilla for Developers (MDN)](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/) - [[javascript.info]] - [[freecodecamp]] - [[roadmap.sh]] ### Artificial Intelligence - [[artificial intelligence]], [[AI]], [[artificial intelligence (AI)]] - [[AGI]] --> [[artificial general intelligence]], [[singularity -- AGI]] ## Business and Entrepreneurship - [[Alex Hormozi]] - [[The Offer]] - [[Leads]] - [[entrepreneur]] and [[entrepreneurship]] - [[project management]] - [[product management]] ## From Medicine to Software Engineer I started my journey on creating a [[second brain]] while I was repeating my second-year of [[medical school]], [[MS2]]. I was struggling with the immense amount of information I was supposed to learn and memorize. There was so much information that it was near impossible for me to put enough hours in the day to not just learn the new material that was being thrown at me, but I also needed to review material, otherwise I would not be able to recall the past information. I started delving into the world of [[memory]] so that I could figure out a solution to this knowledge acquisition problem I had. This is when I learned about [[memory palace|memory palaces]], [[mnemonic peg system]], and creating a [[second brain]] to help me think, learn, and keep track of all of the information I was [[learning]]. ## Science - [[biology]] - [[chemistry]] - [[biochemistry]] - [[physics]] ### Medicine - [[medicine]] ### Memory Palace Products for Medicine - [[Sketchy]] - [[Picmonic]] ## Languages - [[Español]] - [[Deutsch]] - [[Mandarin]] - [[language learning]]